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1.2 Evaluating Sheriff


Please click here to view the current price list at our web site.

Evaluation Restrictions

You can evaluate the full Sheriff SDK for as long as you like. There is no time limit to the evaluation period and there are no restrictions other than those that apply to all Sheriff users, as set out in the End User Licence Agreement .

Until you purchase your own unique Sheriff Serial Number you will need to use the Evaluation Product ID and Secret Codes. The only restriction with using these is that the licence keys you produce will expire after 30 days. In every other respect you will be using Sheriff exactly as if you are a registered user.

Obtaining a Product ID & Secret Codes

Purchasers of Sheriff receive a unique Serial Number with which to generate their Product ID and Secret Codes. To generate a unique Product ID and Secret Codes enter your Serial Number in the Sheriff Product ID and Secret Codes Generator (SlsPsn).

Each Serial Number can generate only one set of Product ID and Secret Codes, so if you want to protect more than one product you will need to purchase a Serial Number for each additional product. One set of Product ID and Secret Codes will protect an unlimited number of copies of a single product.

Demo Code and Applications

There is demo code for Visual C++ and Visual Basic. The demo applications are named SlsDemoLocal.exe and SlsDemoRemote.exe (we no longer provide demo apps for FoxPro or Delphi).

Note for Visual C++ Developers

Static libraries are not supported in Sheriff Version 3.