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6.1 Installation

How compatible is Sheriff with InstallShield?
InstallShield can call a Windows DLL, so it can also call Sheriff. Just call the Sheriff DLL from your InstallShield script code.

In a competitor product there have been instances where it couldn't retrieve a volume name or number when installing and security was breached allowing the installer to install yet another copy of the same software. Do you know if your product might encounter this problem?
No, volume number is only one of the parameters that Sheriff uses to generate the machine fingerprint. The algorithm that Sheriff uses to uniquely identify a machine is much more sophisticated than simply checking for the hard disk volume number.

What components do I need to distribute to my users?
If you are using the traditional DLL, SlsApi.dll.
If you are using ActiveX, Sheriff.dll
If you are using Sheriff ISR in automatic mode, SlsLocalComNet.dll

Is the name of the Sheriff licence file "Licence.SLS" fixed and unchangeable?