Contents - Index Set Publisher Data

                                                                  LPCSTR pszProductID,
                                                                  LPCTSTR lpszPublisherData);

Although Sheriff provides a comprehensive set of licensing features including time/unit metering, expiration control and feature access control, sometimes publishers might want to control their licences in special ways that would be difficult to implement with the standard features - Set/Get Publisher Data is designed for this purpose. Publisher data is simply a space up to 32 bytes that Sheriff uses to keep any data that publishers might specify. The format and meaning of the data is up to the publisher.

Publisher data is kept together with the product's Licence Key in the licence file. It is set by calling SLS_SetPublisherData and retrieved by calling SLS_GetPublisherData


The sole function of the Publisher Data edit box in the Sheriff Licence Generator is to allow the publisher's data to be logged together with the details of the Licence Key. In other words, the publisher's data entered into the License Key Generator does not become part of the Licence Key, it is only logged in "slsgen.log". To use the publisher data you have to call Sls_SetPublisherData.